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Legal Operations Department: The Backbone of Enterprise Information Governance


Legal Operations Leading Information Governance and Records Management Programs
Legal Operations Leading Information Governance and Records Management Programs

In today’s data-driven world, legal operations departments are stepping into a pivotal role: managing the information governance (IG) and records management programs for their entire organizations. This shift isn’t just about controlling costs or streamlining workflows; it’s about creating a unified set of rules that align regulatory requirements with business needs, protecting the organization while enabling it to thrive.

The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Legal Operations Maturity Model is a popular reference tool that legal department leaders use to assess maturity in a wide range of functional areas relevant to optimizing legal services delivery. In the advanced stage of the ACC Legal Operations Maturity Model for information governance, legal operations fully integrate IG as a core strategic function across the enterprise.

Why Legal Ops?

Legal operations teams are uniquely positioned to lead enterprise-wide IG initiatives. Unlike IT or privacy departments, where conflicts of interest may arise (“fox guarding the henhouse”), the legal ops department brings an independent and objective perspective. While IT departments are typically focused on system performance and privacy teams concentrate on safeguarding sensitive data, neither has the mandate or neutrality to create enterprise-wide rules based on both regulatory compliance and business priorities. Legal ops, however, operates with cross-departmental authority and a focus on risk mitigation and compliance, making it the ideal steward for IG programs.

Here’s why legal ops should own this responsibility:

  1. Regulatory Expertise: 📃 Legal operations professionals are already adept at interpreting and applying complex legal and regulatory frameworks. By extending this expertise to IG, they ensure retention schedules, data handling practices, and defensible disposition policies align with evolving regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and SEC rules.

  2. Enterprise Oversight: 🌍 Unlike siloed departments, legal ops have a bird’s-eye view of the organization. This perspective allows them to develop and enforce IG policies that are not only legally compliant but also meet business needs across all functions.

  3. Risk Mitigation: ⚠️ Poor information management increases the risk of non-compliance, data breaches, and litigation. Legal ops can implement IG programs that identify and mitigate these risks while providing a defensible framework for the disposition of unnecessary data.

  4. Cost Management: 💰 Legal ops know firsthand the costs associated with mismanaged information, from skyrocketing eDiscovery expenses to inefficiencies in locating critical documents. By instituting effective IG policies, they can drive significant cost savings for the organization.

Closing Thoughts

Legal operations departments are more than cost centers; they’re strategic partners capable of driving enterprise-wide change. By taking ownership of information governance and records management, legal ops provide the rules and structure that organizations need to thrive in a complex regulatory landscape. Supported by research and emerging trends, their leadership ensures compliance, reduces risk, and creates a foundation for sustainable growth.

Are you ready to empower your legal operations team to lead the information governance/records management charge? Contact us at (989) 763-6611 or to partner with you on advancing your current program.

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